Equine World

Dexter Racing Half Spoon Rubber Jointed Stainless Steel Horse Pony Bit

Product Code Equine MC-9097 Rubber Dexter
AvailabilityOut of stock


The Dexter ring bit is widely used in racing, and is useful for strong horses. The ring on the dexter bit is also useful for safely leading a high spirited horse whilst tacked up. The bit is a jointed mouthpiece with rubber covering (to soften the feel on the bar), giving a nutcracker cation, but is limited in action as it is attached to the ring in 3 places. The half spoon bottom to the cheek of the dexter ring bit, helps to improve steering and prevent the bit from being dragged through the horses mouth.

Key Features:

  • The bit is a jointed mouthpiece with a rubber covering
  • Helps to improve the steering
  • Magnet for Nails
  • Prevent the bit from being dragged through the horse's mouth