Key Features
- Leather martingale
- Has adjustable neck
- Has adjustable girth
- Has stainless steel hardware
- Are very easy to clean
- Durable product
The riders and caretakers of the horse should take care of even the smallest thing of the horse. The horses need all the attention of the rider and caretakers. We offer these martingales that are used for the protection of the horse. These are made up of high-quality materials. These are a perfect product for use.
A horse needs several accessories as to give perfect riding experiences. A horse is totally dependant on the rider. And it is the responsibility of the rider to give proper attention to the horse. These martingales we offer are to protect the head of the horse. As during some dangerous riding it may get hurt as well. The function of the martingales is to have proper control over the horse's head carriage. Because it may cause injuries to the horse. These martingales work very efficiently. When the horse applies the pressure that is over the limit that is desired by the rider. These martingales apply pressure on the bars. The bars are kept inside the mouth of the horse. In this way, the rider controls the horse. These are leather martingales and are made up of leather that is pure and strong. These martingales are available with an adjustable neck that makes it easy to control the horse. And these also have adjustable girths to have proper control. These also come with stainless steel hardware this provides proper fittings. And does not let loose these martingales. These all small details make these martingales and very easy to use. These are super easy to clean and can be used for a long period of time. These are super affordable and high-quality products. These will provide the benefits and will make your riding more convenient. These are the perfect choices for your horse riding.